Billy and Me

Since getting the PASSION back, I run into old pirates like myself more often , Billy Cilia and myself come from the same ship and for over 40 years have created and played with many surfboards. I dropped out of surfboard making while Bill continued to make many,many boards for many dam good surfers ,and deservedly gained a fine reputation in both shape and quality. I see Bill a fair bit, and this photo about sums us up, and another of the many things we have, a passion about is ," GHOST WHO WALKS WHO CAN NEVER DIE"........ THE PHANTOM ..... comics.

superflex green

this is a green(it doesn't look it in the photos) super flex 9inch
in Bali the water was so warm it produced even more flex
great for the log that needs some response


some more fins done with logo


alex and callan, the bay