Bob Mctavish starting back at San Juan and me working for three different labels.

When Bob arrived it was like he hadn't left, on the first day he was introduced to both Bill and myself and immediately he got stuck into shaping. His own personal board at the time was a 7'4" square tail single fin ( light blue tint) which by Byron standards was long within a few weeks the size came down and 6'4 to 6'10 was the norm . within a short time, about 8 months , was when I left and started to work for Bare Nature and Warren Cornish. Warren at this time was not producing at a factory, he was just starting, with 10 a week , him shaping ,Bob Newlands glassing and me sanding on the weekends after I came home from cutting sugar cane for the week, in a small shed and the sanding being done at Bob Newlands farmhouse. I used to sand and foil 10 boards on Saturday and was anchored with the "ten a day man" label by most of everyone that I worked with.  At Bare Nature , Roy Meisel was the sole  owner and was also trying to produce more for the market, He had a good team and a happy work shed which was the old Butchers shop on the corner with most of the building still standing..... I'll leave it here as there is a few good ole tales to be told and Without Roys wonderful friendship over all these years we might not be telling  them.

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